
"I will always endeavour to uphold the prestige honor of the Blood Ravens, I will always keep myself in a professional manner when neccesary; Never Shall I Fail My Comrades, I will shoulder more than my share of the task whatever it may be for my Blood Brothers and Sisters. I here by accept responsibility as a Blood Raven and will carry myself with honor and righteousness throughout my Life." - Blood Raven Oath


1) No Team killing is tolerable, any act of team killing or with intent to kill, without the clan member's consent, is banishment from the clan and name posted upon the "Wall of Disgrace" ( lagging and misclicks are acceptable ).

2) No Treason Nor talk of killing clan members is acceptable, I will temporary bannish anyone from the clan who talks about BSing(Back Stabbing) any of our clan members for 2 days ( If your not apart of the clan, even temporarly, you are still open for being killed in wild ).

3) Get along with your clan members, you might as well delete all your old friends and only add your clan members, because your clan comes before your friends, so if your friend is killing a clan member tell them off or you might have to attack your friend, do not let a fellow comrade die if you have an option otherwise... comrades must look out for one another this rule is not punishable, just honorable and righteous.


"Born to Fight, Trained to Kill, Ready to Die, But Never Will" - Blood Raven motto

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